Our Mission & Vision:
Our church exists to help people find and embrace the power of Jesus Christ in their own lives. People on that journey will find a safe and loving family here to help them through life’s challenges.

A Typical Service:

If you visit our Sunday morning service, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in singing worship songs with us to kick things off. After the worship time, kids are dismissed to Children’s Church while we have announcements and a short time to greet each other and say hello. An offering is usually received, and then our pastor shares a message from God’s Word.
As a visitor, we will not seek to embarrass or draw attention to you in the service, but our congregation is always eager to meet and greet new guests. We may offer you the chance to fill out a guest card so our pastor can send you a thank you card for visiting. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you and to find ways that our church can meet your needs and be a blessing to your family.


At the core of our faith are 16 fundamental truths.
Click here to learn about them.


Amazing Love was founded as an independent church in April 2010 by Pastor George Zanca and his wife, Jody.  The church grew quickly, and we purchased our current Citrus Road building in February 2011. In the same time period, we became affiliated with the Assemblies of God.
Pastor George and Jody established a congregation of seasoned saints of God who love people and the work of the ministry before his homegoing to the Lord in heaven in 2021.
In September of 2022, Rev. Eddie Tramell was elected pastor of Amazing Love Church. Pastor Eddie and his wife Carolyn love people and bring a wealth of experience in ministry and administration to our church. His passionate preaching and teaching are an inspiration to people. Sister Carolyn is a woman of prayer and loves people. Ministering to the women is her gift.
We invite you to come worship with us.


Our leadership consists of the pastor and a board of deacons elected by the voting members of the church. Other leadership positions are appointed by the pastor as needed. A constitution and a set of by-laws provides a framework for conducting the operations of the church.
Pastor Eddie and Carolyn Tramell